Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Ulangar: Book III, Part 16

This ends Book III of the epic I wrote between 1991 and 1996.

The death of Sister shook the home

and Adar began to fear for his prize in the Games

loosing his ferocious ways but learning loom

and Nefthys entered the field of blood

wielding the legacy of Creusa's talons

and Ulangar separated from his fellows

and concentrated upon the evolving Universe

outside his little world

Ulangar first noticed life among the stars

when minute traces of khu-like substances

floated within the vastness of Nothing

close to the senses of him

The God-Forger began to visit these wispy creatures

cultivating their spawning intelligence

and as children tend to do

they developed and mimicked their teacher

growing stronger and wiser and virtuous

When the Children of Ulangar came of age

measured in terms of their minds

individual personalities were

distinguishable within these freckles of power

and so Ulangar granted them Sacred Names

and let them squabble within themselves

the first step to his new made Game

borne of the seed which seeks for adventure

The first to gather were known as Spirits

whose Names have been forgotten by men's uncanny ability

[ replace with Summarian/Babylonian from The Treasures of Darkness

The Next to ban became called the Babylonians

who elected Anu Chief of all who rules the sky

Also with him came Anshar of Inky Night and Dahak the dragon of Death

and Druaga of the Devil World and Girru of the Licking Flames

and Ishtar of man's weakness and Melek the slayer of Tiamat

and Nergal of the Underworld and Rammon of the brilliant spears

This group was forged with courage and strength

but were changed to suit the Assyrian's might


Next came the [rest of the sons]

[list continues for quite some space ]

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Ulangar: Book III, Part 14

This continues Book III of the epic I wrote between 1991 and 1996.

The team spent three hours moving the earth for the great shell

with silver shovels and golden picks and somber hands and wet cheeks

The body was placed deep within the six feet of walls

covered in a dark red shawl

to blend leaked ichor with cloth

As the caste was lowered into the tomb

Nefthys did sing such lament


'The glory which is Sun

hath dissipated in the mist of night

No more shall it sing again

upon the Soul that leaves this dark

'Thy will with Stars is over

and thy will with Nothing has begun

travel far and travel fast

let nothing hinder thy flight

'The moon is rising

and stone makes black

This mirror of glory

shall be thine candle and thy sponge

'Fly sweet essence to that lofty place

and rise again where ever the hand doth wave'


The earth was replaced as the black rain began to fall

all about the Great Mountain of Creusa

smudging features blending image

sloppy dirt and tears dark

sinking deep into the craterless moon

and mingled with the silent flesh

As the party left the mound of mud

the memories began to blur

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Ulangar: Book III, Part 13

This continues Book III of the epic I wrote between 1991 and 1996.

The sun did sprawl her tentacles onto the soiled earth

and slowly did vanquished shadow give way

and slower still did the champions rise

All save Creusa the Hawk toes

The remaining seven gathered about her

and waited for her to rise

and they waited waited waited

Nergal lifted his head and did thus speak 'O my brothers

perhaps this sleeping one is suffering from ills and terrors

perhaps Ulangar here stole her waking hours

or perhaps she enjoys Tuoni's game

a silent secluded one this Sea'

and they waited waited waited

Painex rose her shield to the clouds

and smote the earth with her mighty spear point

'Curséd be thy name O Painex

thy fury and anger hath made ruin to this lovely maiden's id

thy stubbornness to refuse ideas maketh her lay in self-destruction

Tunonetar is thy name O Painex and rightfully is it chosen

Then fall, Painex!   [Dies     '

and they waited waited waited

Inan V closed her eyes and lowered her jaw


'Straight forward, strong speech

no big words, everything means

something (no lace on words)'


Thunder rang its deep trumpet through the brooding maroon satin

and they waited waited waited

Ulangar stood among his Arkaians and whispered such sounds

'I fear the worst my friends and kin

She failed Tuoni's wind

just as Re'u Raduti and Oudun

and now rests upon his mantle piece

a trophy to flaunt at his peers

and a tool for his pride

Let us bury this shell in the mountain side

and let the rain beat long upon its shape'

None rose their voice in objection

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Ulangar: Book III, Part 12

This continues Book III of the epic I wrote between 1991 and 1996.

When Ulangar arose from the field of Tuoni

he was still in the arena where he had fallen

the blood was seeped into the moon

becoming one with hearth and home

and thought such words from his lips

'Why have I been left here to sleep

My wife does this act after every Game

And lo too the others are on the field

dreaming through this night

This night

I have awoken before rosy-finger'd Dawn

I am improving so let Tuoni shake

fearing his tentative placement in Universe

and my power to let crumble this position

But now to see the missing wench'

Ulangar raced into the vats of his home

and hurried through his chamber Daleth

This action did rouse from her rest the Nefthys

and she ask'd of him 'O my love

why do you waken so early

from thy Tuonela rest

Apollo has not begun his climb

nor has the Underworld releas'd the cart

Our men do not come forth so early

always on the beginning of the next day is our pattern

It's most unnatural to break it

there is no precedent for such an event'

And to these words Ulangar spoke

'Indeed your words strike home my black-leafed Nef

But dare you deny the flesh which you see

whole and complete in a single glance

wait for light can deceive those oculus

by putting splotchy color in their way

So pluck out thine eyes and hear my voice

but nay again for easily mind mimic paternal voices

So stuff white prongs into thine ears

and feel the touch from my lips to yours

but still that can be false for flesh can take many forms

So remove thy cord thus remove the senses

save only the soul to detect my Love

for no one can deny the emotions of Love

for I am as real as our binding Love

Come join me and Enki to gather the kin my Love'

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Ulangar: Book III, Part 11

This continues Book III of the epic I wrote between 1991 and 1996.

The Games continued

as the days merged into one

as night turns into day without a boundary

Ulangar was victor entirely undefeated

Soon Nefthys wanted to join the Games

and Creusa lent her the claws to practice

but never did little Nefthys enter the ring

Adar trained from Ulangar the ways of magi

being a Very Fast Learner in such methods

and Ulangar in turn trained in the mind from Enki

though he stumbled upon the foreign methods

and the lessons were slow to be learned

'O my brothers how we bicker so

let us not argue which team gains my powers

thus ensuring their victory hands down

I shall make the teams this time Nergal

rest your voice for ye shall need it in a moments time

The teams this time shall be divided equally

unlike the uncountable past

It will be myself and no one against the rest

I shall give thee twenty minutes to devise a strategy

before I enact the laying on of the Game'

And so did Ulangar finish his speech and

wandered off into his distant corner

while the rest remained gawking and stupefied

The twenty minutes were spent by that God-Forger

summoning his powers internal

reaching to the other's minds

grasping for thoughts reaching ideas

and after forty-two unsuccessful tries

he connected with minds

reading thoughts and knowing pre-actions

When that time had passed

Lamaraz beat his Kaph against the ground

three and five and then three again times

He rose from the dusty earth

and readied his sword to do battle

No words did he speak to enrage the opponent

only a peaceful mind he wore open to all thoughts

The many rushed forth to surround Lamaraz

who never allowed himself to be flanked

Daklov drank black gore from the wound of Adar

and bit well the flesh of Nergal

Those two Ulangar had no opposition to

for his trance made well his reactions

Now a shield fell to the ground

floating in the warm sea wine

Next fell the Hammer of Inan

splashing in the rain of the Moon

This all took place within but eight seconds

each falling in blinding speed

When Daklov did feast upon the hawk-wielding woman

it had been after a long struggle

for Creusa did not think her actions

rather her actions were reactions to the stimuli

so Daklov bit with a ferocity matched only by the Red goddess and V

only to take a blow himself

one low but one deep

ripping his innards to the open air

So both man and woman fell that day

gurgling in bubbling gore

and none were left save the spectators

who left in a gust of lust


insert Pohjola section


Friday, July 1, 2011

The Ulangar: Book III, Part 10

This continues Book III of the epic I wrote between 1991 and 1996.

The crafter of Helethalain next visited the armory

where strong armed Nergal stood admiring the handiwork

of god-forging Ulangar

was not heard by this giant axe-man

and so using this secret he crept up and shoved

with a heave to move the mountains

in a failed attempt to knock the great brown-skinned man from his stance

Nergal rose his mouth in a great laugh that made the metal rattle

against the black marble stonework which encased the earth

and he spoke 'What is it little brother that you were trying to do

Did you mean to make me tumble to the cold floor

like a toddler tipped on the head

You may find me a greater opponent to wrestle to the earth

than Utgard-Loki's cat

and that my little brother is no boast

for never have I met a man who could pin me'

Ulangar rubbed his shoulder in the stinging place

and replied 'Aye so my things which see perceive

and aye again do my shoulder and muscles

that ache at the strain and force agree

you must teach me that trick some time

But enough with this idle chatter

for I wish to gain information on a different subject now

pertaining to the journey to Tuoni

and his curséd lands of eternal darkness'

Nergal settled his weight on a marble bench and nodded in agreement

'I know of that which you speak little one

for all of us siblings have been there and will be there

All the tales which you have heard already

are all you need to unravel the mystery'

Ulangar was taken back by these unforeseen words

'Why use these cryptic syllables Nergal

If you have something to say

than gird up your spirit and speak your mind

we need not keep'

Nergal halted this questioning with a raised index finger

'Why question my actions

we are one in mind snf dpitiy

sprouted from the same seed

I know all our thoughts

and all our feelings

It is just a simple matter of focus

perhaps you should try it some time

perhaps' At this Nergal the bald giant left the room

and left Ulangar speechless and puzzled