Friday, April 29, 2011

The Ulangar: Book I, Part 14

This continues the epic I wrote between 1991 and 1996.

The room contained plant-life desks and

plant-life chairs but little concern did he hold

towards these for ūser 6 had entered his body

He was drawn out to the hallway

from a northern door and instinct moved his body

in blinding speed downward

through staircases and twisting passages

His body stopped but the ūser was unyielding

His naked feet moved across dirt and

Gray Eyes scanned shelves wood with

jars and vials littering them to the left

and right a waist high table

covered with debris was standing with footsteps

stalking from its darkened side

A man came from this void

wearing a blue robe that turned violet-black in the

orange light of the globes

Eyes met and locked in that position

four eyes like gems cut from the same rock

mirrored each other in infinite pairs

Lamaraz was shook by waves of information

that rumbled like thunder past his brain

This was Enki a master of the mind as Ulangar

was a master of the soul and this other held

the knowledge to the locations of the herbs

They learned this and more as wordless language

passed between four eyes

Timeless flashed up and down as

wordless wisdom was sent and received

These two fell to dirt in silent sleep

and awoke when other

They were brothers of heart

No words were necessary for they

understood the other's thoughts

and ūser left None

New found knowledge was still being organised

as the two stood up and looked at each other

again as though each was a reflection on lead

but which was the originator of the image was uncertain

The robed one nodded in response to

Lamaraz's unspoken desire and moved to a

shelf where he gathered vials and jars

of green herbs blue leaves gray stalks

each with a label in unknown script yet known

He needed not to look upon those labels

for he knew that Enki had done him right

and with another nod he sank into the earth

leaving Enki to his psychic studies


6 - A word from Dakish meaning an irresistible summoning or calling to go somewhere or to do something. Closest to divine inspiration, which is the drive to act not because you want to, but because you have to.

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