Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Blogging A Novel

I've been turning a fantasy world in my head for many months, now. Recently, I've been making notes on the world, and otherwise trying to assemble it into a coherent form. Then, the inevitable happened.

I added a story.

I created a general outline for a story, added a few rough characters, and now I've got the itch (again). This time I might make it happen.

I'm starting now with exploring the world's people and parts of its history through legends and myths. I'll merge this, soon, with a character study, of which some may enter the main story, others may move into historical characters, and others may be thrown out. I'll also work on the story sketches.

My point of this post reflects a desire to start putting up some of the fleshed out stories that come out of these initial sketches. I'll see where it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, This is Oberon. I'm becomming an author as well and I just started on blogspot, good luck on it buddy. I recommend reading Orson Scott Card's "How to write Science-Fiction and Fantasy" Its a great read and has inside tips on the business side of becomming an author. My email is arm0003@gmail.com - keep in touch.