Monday, May 30, 2011

The Ulangar: Book II, Part 12

This ends Book II of the epic I wrote between 1991 and 1996.

Ulanger then stopped his raping of that blistered cord

and with a joyous laugh saw Man yield his power to the reptile folk

His days alone inside his rocky tomb were not uneventful

he crafted recycling agents for his health and enjoyment

and forged a suit of glittering armor

and discovered his dance with sword and soul

and mastered his weaving of the golden thread

leading to a host of new discoveries

no boundary halts the soul

no metal or element may prohibit the tracing of threads

any stone or word or person may inherit one's power

yet only control of the soul is necessary to implement the spells

From this and wisdom a seed was sowed

to spring a belief or system to be called Necoism

that evil and good are but labels

placed by judgmental wills striving for manipulation

This was the first wrung for his religion

and the second was not far from discovery

As age turned to age and the cork grew lumpéd and pussed

Ulanger from his lofty perch viewed the universe wrap itself into a single clump

and to survive this point Ulangar spun a gigantic tapestry

to throw his Volx into a niche in Universe

a pocket dimension protected from the woes of

the monstrous vortexes consuming everything

In the safety of his lair

Ulangar saw with magic aided vision

his universe eat its own tail

and his eyes of godly magic swelled with memory''

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