This continues the epic I wrote between 1991 and 1996.
The mist rose from the forest earth
to collect around the ash of stumps
and the clumped form around Tree
stood above the mist
fell to the starry heavens
grasping for mother ash
The clump of flesh moved from Tree
but could not go further than his grasp on the herbs
Stirred by this action flesh awoke
and withdrew the herbs from the tree
Suddenly to the surprise of the eyes of flesh
the sturdy Iron dissolved and dissipated to dust and ash
the remains of fire and disaster
Thus all trees were identical
Thus all trees were stumps of char
and the vision was forgotten as mist in the breeze
vanishes from the eyes of the onlooker
Vivacity and vigor rippled through flesh
who was naked and held the likeness
of Lamaraz the Mage with magic and life restored
He roused himself from the sleep
and stood upon the ash of the oasis
next to a pond of sludge with
fish dead upon its slick unstirring surface
Hard-skinned Lamaraz dropped the herbs from
the clutches of his steel vice grip
and sank into the mud and ash
to rise again from the earth
on the border between Water and Earth and Air
where the sea runs its endless drift
thundering to pound on coastal mud
with breeze running along its journey
with the flavor of salt and Ahto in its midst
He looked about the sandy beach
and saw a gray forest with a gigantic vegetable building
looming in the background as a sneese hangs on in the nose
Thirty paces he went on the beach of grain
and thence went twelve paces on the grassy mud
to enter that jungle of blacky-white with a hint of green
The forest trees reached forty meters to the air
and were packed together in close-knit families
The sound of dogs was kissed in the wind
as the sun is hinted at by the moon
Lamaraz knew that there was a clearing on this shadowy isle
near the foot hills of the mountains to the north
away from the whistles of curs
So north he went to find the steel stalk
and the screams of wild dogs rang out through the forest
So north he ran from the terror fangs
but faster north came the fury c/fur
Lamaraz knew the clearing not far ahead
so faster his legs went across the treacherous terrain
dodging the towering trees Stopped
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